Aqui poderá ter acesso a resumos, fichas e testes de Inglês, para o 9º ano de escolaridade. Para fazer o download e imprimir, clique na matéria ou ficha pretendida.

Conteúdos / Resumos Fichas Testes de avaliação Soluções
English world      
Health and fitness


Ficha food and health problems

Teste Technologies and Health Problems

Test healthy teens


Test healthy teens


Ficha 1 Technology

Ficha 2 vocabulary Technology

Teste 1 Technology

Teste 1 Technology

Ficha 2 vocabulary Technology

Jobs and careers

Ficha vocabulário Volunteering (trabalho de voluntariado)

Ficha interpretação Volunteering (trabalho de voluntariado)

Teste Part-time jobs

Teste teens jobs

Ficha vocabulário Volunteering (trabalho de voluntariado)

Ficha interpretação Volunteering (trabalho de voluntariado)

Teste Part-time jobs

Teste teens jobs

Entertainment   Test “Summer Camps” Test “Summer Camps”
Adjectives followed by to-infinitive
Adjective formation: prefixes
Adjective formation: suffixes
Adjective order
Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Adjectives with preposition
Comparative and superlative forms
Ficha 1 Comparative and Superlative   Ficha 1 Comparative and Superlative soluções
Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of place
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of manner
Too and not enough

Ficha advérbios de frequência

Ficha 2 advérbios


Ficha advérbios de frequência soluções

Ficha 2 advérbios soluções

Omission of the definite/ indefinite articles
The definite article
The indefinite article
Ficha 1 Articles    
Conjunctions and prepositions
As and like
Coordinate and subordinate clauses
Purpose clause
Ficha connectors   Ficha connectors
If-clauses type I
If-clauses type II
If-clauses type III

Ficha 1 if clauses

Ficha 2 If clauses tipo 0, 1 e 2

  Ficha 2 If clauses tipo 0, 1 e 2
Modal verbs
Can, may, must, should, need
Shall, will, would
Should and shouldn´t
Ficha 1   Ficha 1
Collective nouns (singular and plural)
Compound nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns
Noun formation: suffixes
Plurals with no singular forms
Possessive case (-´s and of)
Special plurals
The gender
Ficha 1 plurals (com regras)   Ficha 1 plurals (com regras) soluções
Passive voice
Active and passive
Passive verb forms
A special passive structure

Ficha 1

Ficha 2

At, on, in
By and with
Prepositions of place and movement
Pronouns and determiners
Compounds of every, some, no and any
Demonstrative pronouns
Personal pronouns
Possessive pronouns and determiners
Reflexive pronouns
Relative pronouns
Question tags
Yes/no questions
Ficha Wh questions   Ficha Wh questions
Reported Speech
Reporting statements
Reporting questions
Changing into direct speech
Other reporting verbs
Ficha reported speech   Ficha reported speech
The infinitive and gerund
Plain infinitive, bare infinitive, infinitive without to
Expressing the future
Irregular verbs
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Phrasal verbs
Prepositional verbs
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Simple Past
Simple Present
There to be
Verb formation: prefixes

Ficha Past Simple

Ficha Past Simple vs Past Perfect

Ficha revisão de tempos verbais

Ficha nº2 revisão tempos verbais

Ficha revisão Present Simple

Ficha present perfect

Ficha present perfect simple

Ficha past perfect


Ficha Past Simple soluções

Ficha Past Simple vs Past Perfect

Ficha revisão de tempos verbos

Ficha nº2 revisão tempos verbais soluções

Ficha revisão Present Simple soluções

Ficha present perfect soluções

Ficha present perfect simple soluções

Ficha past perfect soluções

Fichas e Testes 9º ano